Student Records Request

Current Student Records Request Step 1, Please Enter All Information

Important Information - Please read to prevent processing delays. 

Student Privacy

In accordance with District policy and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA):

  • Parents/Guardians are required to present guardianship documents to order records on behalf of adult students.
  • Adult students must provide written consent for someone other than themselves to pick up records.

This is an official request for a copy of a student record. The information contained in this request should be considered private. Please complete required information in full.

E-Mail Delivery

E-mail delivery is available only to the requestor and only to educational institutions that accept electronic transcripts from Jeffco Public Schools’ third-party provider, Scribbles Software. Other academic records will be sent via e-mail whenever possible.

  • Not all schools accept electronic delivery; therefore, email addresses for educational institutions are not required information.

Notification of order completion will indicate delivery method.

US Mail Delivery

Default method of delivery is e-mail unless requester notes in the Special Instructions field to “send by US mail.”

Records will be sent by US mail when:

  • Specifically requested in the Special Instructions field.
  • Educational institutions or other agencies do not accept electronic transcripts from Jeffco Public Schools. 

Notification of order completion will indicate delivery method. 


You will receive emails from to notify you of the status of your order and instructions on how to download your e-transcripts where applicable. It is important you read those emails carefully as additional information may be required to process your request.


Copies of diplomas are not available.  Transcripts serve as proof of graduation.

Driver's License Information

If you do NOT have a driver's license, please enter '9999' in the appropriate field.

Accessing the Order Tracker  

Once your order is finalized you will be directed to a confirmation page which contains a link to the Order Tracker. The link for the Order Tracker will also be provided in a separate email. To access the Order Tracker you will need to enter your order number and email address.

Student's Current Name:

Information Related To Student's Birth:

Parent / Guardian Names:

Your Current Jeffco School of Attendance:

Current Residence Address: (this may be different than the mailing address)

Current Mailing Address: (if different from residence address)

Telephone Number: (###-###-####)

Driver's License: (or other State Issued ID)


Documents Will Be Delivered To: please enter the delivery addresses
Name Attention Addr 1 Addr 2 City State Zip Country # of Copies

Reason(s) for Request of Student Record:

Select The Information Type(s) Requested:

Total Fee:
My initials below constitute an electronic signature and authorizes the Student Records Center of Jeffco Public Schools to release information and / or my student record and confirms I have completed all sections accurately and truthfully, including information verifying my identity. I understand that the recipient of the record(s) will use the indicated documents(s) for legitimate interests only and that the information contained therein shall not be further transferred or communicated to any other party or agency without my expressed written consent except under authority of Public Law 93-380, Educational Rights and Privacy Act.
I have enclosed the correct fees and understand that they are refundable. If I am contacted by the district for additional information regarding this order, I have 5 business days to respond. If I do not respond the order will be closed. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
Please enter your e-Signature
This field is required.

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